Provider News & Updates
Act 111 (H.766)
We are working hard to understand the impacts and business needs of Act 111, also known as H.766. We have a group of individuals across our organization implementing the necessary changes as it relates to prior authorization, claims processing, step therapy, and provider contracting.
As changes and updates become available, we will be keeping our providers informed through this webpage, as well as regular emails and enewsletters. Be sure to keep an eye on your email for regular updates as the work progresses throughout the remainder of 2024.
Contact us at to be added to our email list.
Similar to prior authorizations, we are working to better understand how best to implement the requirements of Act 111. We are working to create an efficient and seamless process for claims submission and reviews.
Working with our Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM), we will be updating our policies and processes related to step therapy. We will provide updates to our providers on the changes once more information is available.
As we implement the requirements of Act 111, we will be sharing the ongoing updates to our policies and processes with you. Updates will be shared via email and this webpage.
Provider Handbook
Access our Provider Handbook for a comprehensive reference of resources and requirements for Blue Cross providers.
Academic Detailing and Prescription Support for Vermont Blue Rx
Our Clinical Pharmacist, Amy Stoll, PharmD, works with our providers on specific prescription questions, drug authorizations, and patient panel projects. Amy is a board-certified ambulatory care pharmacist, certified diabetes educator and has a master's degree in public health. Learn more about the services our team can provide to you.