Signature Events

The signature events we host throughout the year encourage Vermonters to get outdoors and be active to help bring motion and emotional well-being to your day.

Woman Kayaking

We invite you to get outdoors and be active with friends and family during our signature events each year. Additional details for each event are posted closer to the event dates.

Our Signature Events

Snow Days is where we encourage you to shake off the cold weather blues, get outside, and enjoy all the great winter activities that Vermont has to offer.

Held during the winter, we gather to go snowshoeing, sledding, and cross-country skiing. During Snow Days, we encourage you to share photos of you, your family and friends getting outside and staying fit.

Our Mountain Days events cannot be missed—it's an event we have run for over 20 years. We gather at popular mountains to go hiking and enjoy the fine views that our Green Mountain State offers.

During Mountain Days, we encourage you to get moving, stay healthy and take pictures! We love seeing the photos of you, your family and friends hiking and adventuring around the hills of Vermont.

We’ve invited you to hike, bike, and paddle with us around Vermont for more than 10 years. During our signature Hike Bike, & Paddle event, we ask you to share photos of you, your family, and friends getting outside enjoying whatever outdoor activity you choose.

Check back next summer for details on our 2024 event.

Our Apple Days have become a traditional celebration of fall in Vermont. Picking apples is a great way to connect with Vermont’s fresh local food traditions — and it doesn’t get any fresher than straight off the tree! 

During Apple Days, we make it possible for you to “pick a peck” on us at participating orchards. Not only does picking apples help the local orchards, but it’s a terrific way to spend a crisp fall day outside with family and friends. 

#VTmoves is where we encourage Vermonters to move every day. It’s not about running a marathon (unless you love to run marathons, which is great). It’s about embracing a daily movement that brings balance, motion, and emotional wellbeing to your life. 

Some easy forms of movement are taking your dog for a walk, gardening, playing with your grandkids, and doing common chores around the house. 

Watch our social media platforms for the next event and get ready to enjoy #VTmoves!