Understanding Antibiotics


Antibiotics are vital in modern medicine. In this blog, we discuss how to use them safely.

Antibiotics are medications that can stop the growth of or destroy micro-organisms, usually bacteria. They are used to treat bacterial infections. We spoke with Clinical Consultant Pharmacist Amy Stoll to find out what we need to know about how to use them.

When to Use Antibiotics

Imagine you go to your health provider for symptoms of a respiratory infection. They will check for bacteria by taking a sample from your throat or they might use your symptoms to know that there is likely a bacterial infection. They will then prescribe antibiotics that work for that specific infection. Taking all the antibiotics for the entire course will help to ensure that the bacteria go away. 

Antibiotics will not work to treat viruses, like the seasonal flu, COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), or a cold. Sometimes you can have both a bacterial infection and a virus at the same time, and in that case antibiotics would be needed for the bacterial infection.

Using Antibiotics Safely

To ensure you are using antibiotics safely, follow these three tips:

  1. Follow Directions: Always take the prescribed dose and complete the entire course, even if you feel better.
  2. Regular Check-Ups: Keep in touch with your healthcare provider during your course to address any concerns or side effects. Be sure to ask about any possible drug interactions.
  3. Avoid Sharing: Never share antibiotics with others or use leftover prescriptions.

Resistance to Antibiotics

When antibiotics are used by the same person over and over again or used at high rates in the community, bacteria can change to become more resistant. This means that same antibiotic and others like it won’t work as well against that same type of bacteria in the future. 

If you take antibiotics when you might not need them, it could mean that you get unwanted side effects that you don’t need, or you could contribute to antibiotic resistance. 

Eating While on Antibiotics

When taking antibiotics, it's essential to ensure that the body remains well-nourished and hydrated. Here are some general tips for eating while on antibiotics:

  1. Probiotics
    Antibiotics can disrupt the balance of good bacteria in the gut. Consuming probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and other fermented foods can help restore this balance. Consider taking a probiotic supplement, but always consult with your healthcare provider first.
  2. Eat smaller, more frequent meals
    If the antibiotics upset your stomach, consider breaking your meals down into smaller portions spread throughout the day.
  3. Be aware of food-drug interactions
    Some antibiotics can interact with certain foods and others need to be taken on an empty stomach. Ask your healthcare provider if there are any foods you should avoid.
  4. Stay Hydrated
    Drink plenty of water, especially if you experience side effects like diarrhea, as dehydration can occur. Herbal teas and broths can also be soothing.

Antibiotics are life-saving medications that can be beneficial when taken for bacterial infections, but they can also have side effects and downsides from overuse. Check with your healthcare provider if you think you may need a prescription for an antibiotic, and always feel free to ask your pharmacist questions too!

Learn more about antibiotic use.